Michael Owens of Gadens

Photo of Michael Owens of Gadens

Michael has more than 25 years of experience in corporate litigation, dispute resolution, and intellectual property.  He advises rights owners and users on the development, protection and management of their intangible assets including inventions, brands, business secrets, copyrights, contracts, and reputations.  He also advises on competition matters, including restrictive trade practices, consumer regulation and non-compete agreements.

Michael also has substantial experience in social media, intra-business disputes, urgent, complex and multi-party commercial litigation, cross-border enforcement and mediation.

Michaels email is michael.owens@gadens.com.

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Australian Full Federal Court rules on rights of an exclusive licensee

A recent decision of the Full Federal Court of Australia (Bristol Myers Squibb Company v Apotex Pty Ltd [2015] FCAFC 2) has resolved uncertainty about the requirements for an exclusive licence of a patented invention. Legislation The Patents Act 1990 (Cth) provides that an exclusive licensee holds a licence from the patentee to exploit the … Continue Reading


There have been numerous recent developments in intellectual property (IP) law in Australia. Below is a summary of some key developments. As with any international jurisdiction, IP law in Australia is complex and requires the expertise of an experienced specialist to navigate it correctly. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS AMENDMENT ACT 2015 Following on from the Intellectual … Continue Reading